Pete Moison JD, TEP
Pete practiced law with the law firm of Katz, Look & Moison, P.C. for over 25 years prior to helping to found Castle Re and becoming the President of the company. His law practice focused on estate tax and business planning for high net worth clients. He has taught several master courses in life insurance for the graduate program at the American College. Having grown up in an insurance family he had an early appreciation of the relevance of the concept of cash value life insurance and how the concept could help high net worth clients more efficiently plan their estates and help with their businesses.
During his law career he recognized there was a tremendous difference between the strength and reliability of the concept of life insurance and the product that is marketed as life insurance. Pete decided that the only way to realize the full potential of the concept of life insurance to help the business owner and the high net worth client to more effectively and efficiently plan was to create a life insurance company that emphasized the concept of life insurance and not the product of life insurance. Castle RE is the result. Pete is the pioneer who changed the way life insurance is used to help the high net worth client. He was the first to recognize that life insurance should be used and implemented the way attorneys use and implement all legal concepts to help their clients. That is to use an Advised Approach* to plan from the ground up and design each custom life insurance contract or “CLIC” on a customized basis for the specific needs of each client.
He is committed to helping to educate professionals in how to take the concept and develop the concept into an understandable and highly cost efficient custom life insurance contract, CLIC that will help the high net worth client over the client’s entire lifetime.
*The term Advised Approach and Advised Life are the sole and exclusive property of Castle Re Insurance Company, Ltd.